Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $10000.00

Über uns

We provide customers with motorhome rental across 15+ locations in New Zealand. We feature 35 fleets and the latest deals on 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6+ berth motorhomes - best price guaranteed.

With flexible pickup and drop off customers are empowered to plan and book their motorhome hire to tailor a once in a lifetime New Zealand adventure. With 15 years experience offering New Zealanders, and international visitors alike, motorhome rental across the country. We have a unique ability to offer you expert advice on your booking from the moment you decide to lock in your campervan rental holiday. With 24/7 support available in multiple languages we have you covered, and can assist you with your booking and offer advice on where to travel across NZ.


All months of the year


36 Turakina St, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021, New Zealand, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

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