Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $132.00 - $490.00 |
109a Gorge Road, Central Queenstown, New Zealand.
Package 2+2. Great opportunity to improve your mountain bike skills and experience some amazing mountain bike trails in Queenstown. Two-hour lesson plus 2 hours of trails and free transport.
Package 2+2. Great opportunity to improve your mountain bike skills and experience some amazing mountain bike trails in Queenstown. Two-hour lesson plus 2 hours of trails and free transport.
Erwachsener | $132.00 - $490.00 |
Bike rental is extra
Free transport to and from Queenstown accommodation.
Up until 10 days prior to the date and time of travel customer may cancel the booking. Between 10 days and 3 days a cancellation fee of 25% will apply. Cancellations made by the operator within 24 hours due to weather and conditions will be fully refunded.
This trip offers something for riders of all skill levels and fitness. Groups are private and suitable for e-bikes as well as regular mountain bikes. During the first 2 hours we focus on skills and then put what you've learned into practice with 2 hours of guided trail riding. There are four awesome destinations to choose from depending on your skills and riding preferences. Coronet Peak, Seven Mile Reserve, McNearly Gnarly and Moke Lake. We can organise full suspension rental bikes for you if required.
109a Gorge Road, Central Queenstown, New Zealand.
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