Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $150.00 |
240 Aerodrome Road As1, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand.
A peek at the Bay and thrill of a chopper ride, taking in views of the city, Mount Maunganui and glorious sandy beaches.
A peek at the Bay and thrill of a chopper ride, taking in views of the city, Mount Maunganui and glorious sandy beaches.
Erwachsener | $150.00 |
Minimum 2 paying passengers. Subject to weather conditions and weight restrictions.
A quick taste of what the Bay of Plenty has to offer. Approximately 9 minute scenic flight departing from Tauranga Airport, along the white sandy beaches of Mt Maunganui basking in the sun, before a loop around Mauao-The Mount to finally descend across the Port of Tauranga to land back at Tauranga Airport. The perfect trip for those tight on time but wanting to see a snippet of Mt Maunganui.
240 Aerodrome Road As1, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand.
Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Mount Magic Scenic Flight
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