Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $50.00 - $300.00
Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Payment Credit and Debit cards – we accept the following credit cards for payment: Visa, Mastercard, and EFTPOS cards from NZ banks. Credit card service fee - while we do not charge customers a service fee on credit card payments, some banks have been known to charge their customers a small fee for what they see as an international transaction. Please check with your bank before purchase if this will affect your payment. Deposits: A Deposit of 50% is required at the time of the booking.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Any request by either the customer or agent to cancel a booking will be subject to the following refund conditions: 28+ days before departure, Full refund (no cancellation fee). 15 – 28 days before departure, fee equal to 20% of fare price. 48 hours – 14 days until departure, fee equal to 30% of fare price. Up to 48 hours before departure, fee equal to 50% of fare price. In the case of a no show at departure, cancellation fee of 50% of fare price, no deposit.

Über uns

Wai Shuttles offers convenient shuttle services between the Wairarapa and Wellington Airport, perfect for both business and leisure travellers. Operating 7 days a week, we provide multiple timeslots throughout the morning and afternoon to align with your flight schedule. Pamela, our dedicated driver, brings passion and enthusiasm to every trip, ensuring a seamless travel experience.
Wai Shuttles is committed to luxury, comfort, safety, and reliability. Let Pamela pick you up from Wellington Airport and drive you to your destination anywhere in the Wairarapa - from Featherston to Masterton. Our fleet features a luxurious Mercedes Sprinter Minibus, designed for your comfort and safety. Pre-bookings are required.


Contact hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 19:00, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 20:00
All months of the year


1 Fitzherbert Street, Featherston, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
70.1 km (1:30hrs) from Featherston to Wellington Airport.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
17.5km (15 min) from Martinborough to Featherston.

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