Preise und Bedingungen

Hochsaison Nebensaison
(Oct - May) (Jun - Sep)
pro Nacht $225.00 - $325.00 $225.00 - $275.00
Altersbeschränkung angle-down


Andere Kosten angle-down

Breakfast and in-room snacks are included in room rate above; optional picnic lunches packed at extra cost in summer season.

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

First night at full price for that season, second and subsequent nights at reduced price. Geraldine is a lovely small town to visit and a good base for South Canterbury exploration: south as far as Waimate, inland to Tekapo and Mt Cook, north to Ashburton and Rakaia Gorge. This is a holiday spot for couples or two friends travelling together. We can arrange special meals for anniversaries using guest chefs - best value if catering for the main two guests plus a few close friends or relatives.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Full refund if cancelled at least a month ahead, some administrative deduction if cancelled with less than three week's notice, full cost for one night is chargeable if no-show on the day expected. See terms at our TrueNZ booking site, reached through

Über uns

Newly-built, beautifully decorated, energy-efficient architect's design overlooks a spray-free fruit orchard and 3Ha of bush restoration. Owners living on site are foodies who make breakfast to order, also sell fruit and cakes at Geraldine Farmers Market. Your hosts know area well and can recommend places to visit, help arrange meals and adventure activities. Underfloor heating, solar power assisted; level entry and rooms equipped for disabled access (Lifemark level 4), guest parking, outdoor games area, covered courtyard and sun deck. Choose two king singles or a superking double. Price discount after first night - stay to explore the town and South Canterbury. Good walking routes from the gate plus MTB routes nearby. Vibrant birdsong.


7.30am to 10pm.
All months of the year


161 Downs Road (rear section), Geraldine, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
2hrs 15 minutes by car to Christchurch International Airport.
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
Intercity coach Christchurch to Dunedin stops at Orari, coach to Queenstown stops in Talbot Street Geraldine. Community bus can meet if pre booked.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
2km from Geraldine town facilities - drive or walk (reasonable fitness).

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