Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $1790.00
Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Trips need a minimum of 4 to be guaranteed. Should minimum numbers not be reached, the trip will become self-guided instead.

Über uns

Immerse yourself in the remote high country of New Zealand, guided by knowledgeable locals who’ll share stories of the land’s history, conservation efforts, and life in the high country. Start your adventure with a barbecue dinner and a 4WD tour with your hosts. You'll explore 30 kilometres of private trails surrounded by diverse landscapes and vegetation, exclusive to only a small number of visitors. Enjoy meals made from fresh farm produce, all while following an adaptable itinerary that suits your group’s interests. This truly remote experience offers a break from WIFI, TV, and phones, letting you fully embrace the wilderness. Our all-inclusive guided trips includes everything you need for a memorable active holiday.


Jan, Mar


Beckenham Avenue, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Island Hills High Country | Guided Hike | Great Walks of New Zealand

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