Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $80.00 - $180.00
(10 Jahre und jünger)
$60.00 - $100.00
Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

* Minimum of five adults per one-way or return trip ** 12 pax Maximum (Full Boat)

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

- Payment for trips must be made in advance. This may be through internet banking, or on board eftpos facilities - In the event that a trip is cancelled at the skippers discretion, a full refund will be given through internet banking to a nominated bank account

Über uns

We Offer Boat Transportation To Destinations Around The Hauraki Gulf - Auckland Harbour, Great Barrier Island, Waiheke, Kawau Island, Rakino Island & More.

We are based in both Auckland and Sandspit but will travel from anywhere to anywhere within the Gulf. Feel free to contact us directly or fill out the form provided below.

Our customised boat trips are tailored by you. We can take you to and from all corners of the Hauraki Gulf. Here are some suggestions of the trips we can accommodate;

. Overnighters
. Wining and dining – ask us about our favs!
. Sightseeing on the Gulf or Islands
. Boat to boat drop-offs
. Water transport to concerts, events and festivals
. Island/beach hopping
. Nature trips
. Sports trips (surfing,mountain biking)


All months of the year


206 Whitmore Rd, Warkworth, New Zealand.

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