Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $2100.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$1300.00 |
70 Hector Sanderson Road, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand.
Great Barrier Island (Aotea) is a place of remote beauty and rugged wilderness, with a distinctive Kiwi flavour. With just 1,000 residents, it is one of the most tranquil and laid-back places you’ll find in the South Pacific.
Great Barrier Island (Aotea) is a place of remote beauty and rugged wilderness, with a distinctive Kiwi flavour. With just 1,000 residents, it is one of the most tranquil and laid-back places you’ll find in the South Pacific.
Erwachsener | $2100.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$1300.00 |
Return flights from Auckland Domestic Airport to Claris Airport (Great Barrier Island).
Child prices for guided walks apply to those 15 years and under (at time of walking). We don't allow children under 8, except by prior arrangement. If you are over 70 years of age, please consult your doctor to check your physical fitness, prior to making your booking.
For full terms and conditions, please see our website.
Connect with a small, fun group of hikers led by a friendly, professional hiking guide. Soak up the island's laid-back lifestyle and discover its' true essence amongst golden sand beaches, crystal clear waters, abundant birdlife, mighty mountain ranges and unique native forest. Spend 4 - 7 hours hiking each day over varied terrain, carrying only a day pack. Enjoy boutique lodge accommodation with ensuites in Whangaparapara. Includes: Transport, accommodation, meals, wine and beer, complimentary hire of hiking gear. Just a 30 minute scenic flight from Auckland; our team can help book your flights for you or your group.
70 Hector Sanderson Road, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand.
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