
  • Over 30 years living and fishing in the
  • Best mayfly hatches in NZ
  • Accommodation package available


Best time of Year

  • Oct - Apr

Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $480.00 - $800.00
Andere Kosten angle-down

Prices are GST inclusive and for 1-2 people.

Über uns

The Mataura River is world renowned for it’s "match the hatch" fishing, however we are spoilt for choice, with over 25 other rivers and streams within one hours drive from Gore. I live and fish locally and consider it a privilege to guide visiting anglers on the Mataura and other Southland Rivers. I am a member of the New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association (NZPFGA).

After living here for many years I know the rivers intimately, and friendships with local landowners allow me access to some epic fishing spots. I have fished in a number of countries including England, Wales, Finland, Austria and Canada, and can truthfully say that the Mataura River can hold it’s own with any water that I have been fortunate to fish.


Comfortable 4WD

Your Guide

  • Barry has been in operations as a fishing guide since 2002
  • Member and supporter of "Future Rivers" - a NZ river conservation organisation
  • Access to epic fishing areas through knowing local farmers


Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, Dec

Facilities and Features

Proximity to airport:Invercargill (50min), Dunedin (1hr 45mins) Queenstown (2hrs)

Proximity to coach terminal:Gore (3-5mins)

Proximity to town:Inside Gore town boundary - minutes from town centre


86a Wentworth Street, Gore, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
Invercargill Airport (50min), Dunedin Airport (1hr 45mins) Queenstown Airport (2hrs).
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
Gore (3-5mins).
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
Inside Gore town boundary - minutes from town centre.

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