Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $50.00 - $470.00
Andere Kosten angle-down

$90pp charge for Picton pick up

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Tours cancelled within 24 hours prior to the start of tour or "no shows" will be charged 100% of the tour price. Cancellation due to weather: Where possible we will switch the biking wine tours to driving wine tours. Any cancellation made due to border closures or alert level changes caused by Covid -19 will be given a full refund.

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 736 Bewertungen

Über uns

Fully guided biking wine tours around the world renowned Marlborough vineyards. Our tours are small & personal with a max of eight people. Fresh air, fine wine, fabulous food and stunning scenery.

Enjoy a relaxing day cycling through the vineyards, sampling the region’s best wines while taking in the beauty of the wineries and surrounding mountains. Terrain is suitable for all fitness and skill levels.

Driving wine tours by demand.


9.30am-4.30pm, 7 days.
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


193 Rapaura Rd, Blenheim, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
5km from the Marlborough Airport.
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
10km from the bus station in central Blenheim.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
10km from Blenheim.

Nach Angeboten suchen

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 736 Bewertungen

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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Explore Marlborough Wine Tours

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