Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $80.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$60.00 |
Hahei Beach, Hahei, New Zealand.
Cathedral Cove Water Taxi is the only boat ride onto the sand at Cathedral Cove. Embrace a rare opportunity to see Cathedral Cove with small numbers. Get the best of both worlds. See Cathedral Cove from the boat and get dropped on the beach.
Cathedral Cove Water Taxi is the only boat ride onto the sand at Cathedral Cove. Embrace a rare opportunity to see Cathedral Cove with small numbers. Get the best of both worlds. See Cathedral Cove from the boat and get dropped on the beach.
Erwachsener | $80.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$60.00 |
Call +64 27 919 0563 for today's operating status. You can pay with cash or card, including Paywave.
The Water Taxi departs from the middle of Hahei Beach - look for our yellow and black flags on the beach, a boat wont be far away. We depart every 30 mins, and the service usually starts at 10am when the sea conditions allow us to operate. You will be left to enjoy Cathedral Cove for 1 hour. This is more than enough time to explore, photograph, swim and simply enjoy this special place. There are no rubbish and toilet facilities at Cathedral Cove, so please be prepared to bring all your rubbish out with you. We have bins on board for small amounts of rubbish. The boarding ramp may sit in shallow water, so you might get wet feet.
Hahei Beach, Hahei, New Zealand.
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