Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $165.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$95.00 |
88 Hahei Beach Rd, Hahei, New Zealand.
Appreciate this coastline in the best possible way, up close & personal in modern sea kayaks. We are the only kayaking company licensed to land daily at Cathedral Cove.
Appreciate this coastline in the best possible way, up close & personal in modern sea kayaks. We are the only kayaking company licensed to land daily at Cathedral Cove.
Erwachsener | $165.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$95.00 |
48 hours notice is required for all cancellations.
Welcome to Cathedral Cove Sea Kayaking where your safety and enjoyment are our priority. Our company’s mission is to provide you with the best short kayak trips in the country. Feedback suggests we are achieving our goals. All our trips explore spectacular volcanic coastline, and are designed for all levels and abilities. We are the only commercial operator to land daily at Cathedral Cove. Landing daily at Cathedral Cove and appreciate this coastline in the best possible way - up close and personal in modern sea kayaks. Our trips cover what we believe to be the most spectacular stretch of coast on the Coromandel Peninsula, if not New Zealand. Kayaking is backpacking on the sea.
88 Hahei Beach Rd, Hahei, New Zealand.
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