Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $15.00 - $25.00
(15 Jahre und jünger)
$9.00 - $15.00
Andere Kosten angle-down

Tours are available at different rates.

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Guided walks available Sunday mornings - must be pre-booked through Glowworm night tours available during winter months - must be pre-booked through

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 88 Bewertungen

Über uns

Passing through the gates into the hidden valleys of Waimārama, it's hard to believe you are just 5km by road from Nelson city centre (easily accessed by bike, car or public transport). Of environmental and historical significance to the region, the Sanctuary offers 15kms of public walking tracks ranging from established and easy to more demanding (yet very rewarding). Knowledgeable Visitor Centre hosts can help you decide where to explore, depending on how long you have and your fitness level. Engage, immerse and connect with the restoration of our local and national ecosystems: there is so much to observe along the way, both large and impressive and tiny yet extraordinary.


Opening times vary, open Fri-Sat-Sun year round - check website for details.
All months of the year


651 Brook Street, Nelson, Nelson Central, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
25-30 minutes' drive from Nelson Airport.
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
Bus stops at entrance to the Brook Reserve; the Sanctuary gate is approx 500 metres further on.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
5 km to central Nelson. Good road access plus on bus route.

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TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 88 Bewertungen

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