Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $40.00 |
Kind (14 Jahre und jünger) |
$20.00 |
491 Tay Street, Invercargill, New Zealand.
Don’t miss Invercargill’s leading visitor attraction. One man’s passion started it all – and this family legacy has become the largest automotive museum of its type in the world. But if you think it’s strictly for petrolheads, think again.
Don’t miss Invercargill’s leading visitor attraction. One man’s passion started it all – and this family legacy has become the largest automotive museum of its type in the world. But if you think it’s strictly for petrolheads, think again.
Erwachsener | $40.00 |
Kind (14 Jahre und jünger) |
$20.00 |
NZ Students and Seniors 65+ $35.00, Under 5 free, Family pass (two adults and up to four children) $100
Entry is subject to Transport World terms and conditions. See
With more than 300 vintage vehicles (running the gamut from Henry Ford letter cars to Volkswagen Kombis to 1930s V8s and classic trucks of every make and model imaginable), a movie theatre, wearable arts, a LEGO room, and quirky themed bathrooms, here you’ll discover something for everyone. Visit our website for more.
491 Tay Street, Invercargill, New Zealand.
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