Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $390.00 |
PO Box 54, Akaroa, New Zealand.
Walk three days, pack free, at your own pace through forest and farmland, coasts and cliffs, among penguins and over an extinct volcano. Stay in three unique accommodations sharing our backyard of working farms working towards conservation.
Walk three days, pack free, at your own pace through forest and farmland, coasts and cliffs, among penguins and over an extinct volcano. Stay in three unique accommodations sharing our backyard of working farms working towards conservation.
Erwachsener | $390.00 |
Optional extras if selected,
A 90% refund will be made when at least 28 days notice is given. A 50% refund will be made when at least 7 days notice is given, otherwise payment is forfeited. Cancelled bookings may be refilled.
Our popular Three Day Classic Walk takes you over the rim of an extinct volcano and into otherwise inaccessible bays. Your packs will be carted for you as you walk at your own pace along the coast and cliffs of two marine reserves, have the opportunity to take part in a free penguin tour (in season) and traverse working farms working towards conservation. Your packs will be carried from accommodation to accommodation. Optional extras include kayaking and a private room. The diversity of scenery, flora and fauna, accommodation and views combine to create a stunning experience, one that many people return to enjoy. The season runs from 1st October to 30 April.
PO Box 54, Akaroa, New Zealand.
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