Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $2620.00
(14 Jahre und jünger)
Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Please refer to our standard Terms and Conditions here:

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Please refer to our standard Terms and Conditions here:

Über uns

This Queenstown ski holiday package is a thrilling skiing adventure in one of New Zealand's most popular ski destinations. This tour is perfect for those seeking an exciting winter escape, with world-class ski facilities, stunning alpine scenery, and central accommodations. You'll have seven days to hit the slopes and explore the charming town of Queenstown, known for its vibrant nightlife, delicious dining options, and picturesque surroundings. Whether you're an experienced skier or a beginner, this tour offers something for everyone, from ski lessons to off-piste adventures. So, pack your bags and prepare for an unforgettable ski holiday in New Zealand. Contact our NZ Ski Specialists today to find out more about this customisable holiday.


Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct


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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Explore Queenstown and The Remarkables | 7 Days | Rental Car incl | Customisable

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