Bring your binoculars to Miranda and see how many bird species you can spot. Call into the information centre to confirm your sightings.
The Miranda foreshore is internationally recognised as a significant feeding ground for around 40 migratory wading bird species. Shell banks that have built up along the foreshore provide nesting grounds and allow easy access for close viewing.Thousands of migratory wading birds come to Miranda at different times of the year. Some come from other parts of New Zealand; others make a remarkable 10,000 kilometre journey from the Arctic Circle.In winter Miranda is home to birds from New Zealand's South Island, particularly wrybills, pied oystercatchers and kotuku (white herons). Wrybills, found only in New Zealand, are noted for a beak that curves to one side.In October the New Zealand birds return south to their summer breeding grounds and arctic migrants - like the eastern bar-tailed godwit, the turnstone and the red-necked stint - arrive, hungry and exhausted.Twice a day, as the tide rises, the birds move inland to the easily-viewed shell banks. As the tide recedes they move out again to the vast Firth of Thames.The Miranda Shorebird Centre offers interpretive information and displays as well as simple accommodation for ardent birdwatchers.
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