大人 | $109.00 - $199.00 |
儿童 (14 年以及以下) |
$109.00 - $159.00 |
大人 | $109.00 - $199.00 |
儿童 (14 年以及以下) |
$109.00 - $159.00 |
Skyline Gondola ticket is additional
Minimum weight limit of 30kg (65lbs) to participate in a Ziptrek Ecotour Maximum weight limit of 125kg (275lbs) to participate in a Ziptrek Ecotour Pregnant ladies are not able to participate in a Ziptrek Ecotour
Tour cancellations within 24 hours of tour departure time will be charged at the full nett rate. No shows will also be charged at the full rate. Ziptrek Ecotours operate in almost all weather conditions. Ziptrek Ecotours reserves the right to cancel tours due to inclement weather, foreseeable hazards, insufficient bookings, or events beyond our control. In these events, full refunds will be made or alternative dates offered.
位于鲍勃峰(Bobs Peak)的滑索生态观光之旅沿山坡一路俯冲而下,载着游客感受壮美的风光和极速的快感。游客搭乘空中缆车登上山顶,滑过数段索道,掠过层层叠叠的树冠,领略皇后镇的美丽景色。可供选择的路线有全程 2 小时的 4 段线恐鸟之旅,平缓惬意,适宜家庭游玩和团体观光;也有全程 3 小时、新开通的 6 段线鹦鹉之旅,会带您以 70 公里的时速滑下陡直的山坡,跌宕起伏,惊险刺激。你可以一边聆听导游面面俱到的沿途讲解,一边在精心打造的旅途中呼吸清爽的高山空气,尽情体验愉悦、险奇与生态观光的魅力。生态滑索全年运营,不同的天气,都会带给您与众不同的绝美风景。
45 Camp Street, 皇后镇市中心, 新西兰.
本网站旨在帮助游客与新西兰旅游体验供应商取得直接联系, 但并不保证任何特定供应商能满足特定质量标准或法律义务。 敬请联系商家了解更多信息。 另见: newzealand.com 使用条约.(opens in new window)