大人 | $189.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$164.00 |
汤加里罗河的奇妙水域为亲水之旅提供了最佳的自然环境与欢乐元素。与专业导游一起,掌舵跨越超过 60 条激流。你的安全与欢乐是我们的首要任务。注意,你还有可能看到土生动物——蓝鸭(whio)。
汤加里罗河的奇妙水域为亲水之旅提供了最佳的自然环境与欢乐元素。与专业导游一起,掌舵跨越超过 60 条激流。你的安全与欢乐是我们的首要任务。注意,你还有可能看到土生动物——蓝鸭(whio)。
大人 | $189.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$164.00 |
You must be over 10 years of age and supervised by an adult if under 15 years.Adventure activities have a degree of risk. Participants should be aware that no operator can absolutely guarantee their safety. Tongariro River Rafting cannot be held responsible for injury and loss or damage to personal property if you fail to follow our instructions. To ensure safety, Tongariro River Rafting reserves the right to cancel or alter a rafting/kayaking trip due to adverse weather or river conditions.
Weather and River level dependent. TRR reserves the right to cancel or alter a rafting/kayaking trip due to adverse weather or river conditions, or if a client is unsuitable due to age, size, ill health or poor fitness. There will be no credit refund if a participant is excluded from rafting/kayaking due to being under the influence or alcohol or drugs. There is also no credit refund if a confirmed booking is not taken up unless Tongariro River Rafting cancels the trip. Tel: 0800101024
半日的汤加里罗河之旅是新西兰最卓越的漂流探险体验之一。3 级的急流适合从专家到新手的所有人群。在 2 个小时的旅程中,你将与专业导游一起,遍历超过 60 段精彩急流。行程中的多个地方仅可通过水路到达,因此你将看到壮观而原始的荒野地带,一瞥珍稀蓝鸭的身影。我们的导游都为取得了漂流资格证的专业人员,提供的设备优质而齐全。我们还是蓝鸭项目的创始者,这个保护倡议旨在让珍稀的本地蓝鸭回归其在汤加里罗河沿岸的以往栖息地。
133 Atirau Road, 图朗基, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人激流划艇——汤加里罗河漂流 Whitewater Rafting - Tongariro River Rafting
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