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每晚 $995.00 - $11320.00
条款与条件 angle-down

All rates are quoted in New Zealand dollars and exclude 15% Government Goods & Services Tax. • The rate is quoted on a per person, per night basis (with the exception of the Owners Cottage which is quoted per night). • A holiday season surcharge of NZD $200.00 per person per night applies to guests staying 24rd December - 3 January. • A two night minimum stay applies over 15 December - 31st March. • Gentlemen are required to wear a jacket to dinner at Kauri Cliffs. *Rates are subject to change

取消政策 angle-down

Cancellation Policy for 3 rooms or less Outside 90 days before arrival No charge 90 - 31 days Transaction Fee (NZ$250) 30 - 14 days 50% charge for the room nights cancelled Less than 14 days Full charge for the room nights cancelled Cancellation Policy for 3 Rooms or less during the Festive Season, applies 23 December - 5 January Outside 90 days before arrival No charge 90 - 60 days 50% charge for the room nights cancelled Less than 60 days Full charge for the room nights cancelled

TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据316条点评得出


贝壳杉悬崖度假村位于岛屿湾地区,可从奥克兰轻松驾车前往,乘飞机仅需 45 分钟。度假村地处北部地区的玛陶里湾附近,占地 6,000 公顷,可 180 度拥览太平洋的壮丽全景,并能俯瞰锦标赛级高尔夫球场。度假村曾荣登《悦游 Conde Nast's Traveller》杂志 2012 年“全世界最美住宿地”金牌榜。其采用华美的殖民时期建筑风格,设有宽敞雅致的起居室和餐厅,大多都设有带顶棚的露天阳台,可让宾客在阳台的户外壁炉旁一边悠闲用餐,一边欣赏美丽景色。11 栋僻静别墅各有两间套房,宽敞舒适,带你领略度假休闲与城堡酒店集团(Relais & Chateaux)旗下的标志性下榻体验。


All months of the year


Kauri Cliffs, 139 Tepene Tabelands Road, 玛塔宇利湾, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
Approximately 25 minutes from Kerikeri Airport


TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据316条点评得出



页面内容创建人贝壳杉悬崖度假村 The Lodge at Kauri Cliffs

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