每晚 | $995.00 - $11320.00 |
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Kauri Cliffs, 139 Tepene Tabelands Road, 玛塔宇利湾, 新西兰.
贝壳杉悬崖度假村临近北部地区的玛陶里湾(Matauri Bay),占地 6,000 英亩,可 180 度纵览壮观的太平洋海景。度假村主楼俯瞰高尔夫球场,共设 22 间客房。
贝壳杉悬崖度假村临近北部地区的玛陶里湾(Matauri Bay),占地 6,000 英亩,可 180 度纵览壮观的太平洋海景。度假村主楼俯瞰高尔夫球场,共设 22 间客房。
每晚 | $995.00 - $11320.00 |
All rates are quoted in New Zealand dollars and exclude 15% Government Goods & Services Tax. • The rate is quoted on a per person, per night basis (with the exception of the Owners Cottage which is quoted per night). • A holiday season surcharge of NZD $200.00 per person per night applies to guests staying 24rd December - 3 January. • A two night minimum stay applies over 15 December - 31st March. • Gentlemen are required to wear a jacket to dinner at Kauri Cliffs. *Rates are subject to change
Cancellation Policy for 3 rooms or less Outside 90 days before arrival No charge 90 - 31 days Transaction Fee (NZ$250) 30 - 14 days 50% charge for the room nights cancelled Less than 14 days Full charge for the room nights cancelled Cancellation Policy for 3 Rooms or less during the Festive Season, applies 23 December - 5 January Outside 90 days before arrival No charge 90 - 60 days 50% charge for the room nights cancelled Less than 60 days Full charge for the room nights cancelled
贝壳杉悬崖度假村位于岛屿湾地区,可从奥克兰轻松驾车前往,乘飞机仅需 45 分钟。度假村地处北部地区的玛陶里湾附近,占地 6,000 公顷,可 180 度拥览太平洋的壮丽全景,并能俯瞰锦标赛级高尔夫球场。度假村曾荣登《悦游 Conde Nast's Traveller》杂志 2012 年“全世界最美住宿地”金牌榜。其采用华美的殖民时期建筑风格,设有宽敞雅致的起居室和餐厅,大多都设有带顶棚的露天阳台,可让宾客在阳台的户外壁炉旁一边悠闲用餐,一边欣赏美丽景色。11 栋僻静别墅各有两间套房,宽敞舒适,带你领略度假休闲与城堡酒店集团(Relais & Chateaux)旗下的标志性下榻体验。
Kauri Cliffs, 139 Tepene Tabelands Road, 玛塔宇利湾, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人贝壳杉悬崖度假村 The Lodge at Kauri Cliffs
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