大人 | $135.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$65.00 |
现在,您可以在新西兰远程为您的海外雇主工作。欲了解更多信息,请访问 新西兰移民局(opens in new window)。
Real Journeys Visitor Centre, 蒂阿瑙, 新西兰.
大人 | $135.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$65.00 |
Prices valid 1 Oct 2017 - 30 Sep 2018 and per person based on a Te Anau Glowworm Caves trip departing Te Anau. Prices vary per departure time. Complimentary tea & coffee provided. Suitable for all ages with the exception of infants. Photography & video filming are NOT permitted in the caves. Some bending is required at caves entrance and steps are involved. If cancelling/amending a booking, a refund will only be granted when Real Journeys receives notification 24 hours prior to departure.
If cancelling or amending a retail booking, a refund will only be granted when Real Journeys receives notification 24 hours prior to departure
欲了解出发时间、费用和真切旅程提供的其它旅游服务,请登录我们的网站 www.realjourneys.co.nz。
Real Journeys Visitor Centre, 蒂阿瑙, 新西兰.
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页面内容创建人真切旅程——蒂阿瑙萤火虫洞 Te Anau Glowworm Caves, Real Journeys
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