大人 | $1600.00 - $2700.00 |
77 Manapouri-Te Anau Highway, 蒂阿瑙, 新西兰.
乘坐峡湾游轮,进行一次独特的神奇峡湾过夜巡游。行程中的活动包括:观看奇特哺乳动物、钓鱼、钓虾与“MV 南方之谜”号船上观光。过夜巡游提供餐点(不含酒)。
乘坐峡湾游轮,进行一次独特的神奇峡湾过夜巡游。行程中的活动包括:观看奇特哺乳动物、钓鱼、钓虾与“MV 南方之谜”号船上观光。过夜巡游提供餐点(不含酒)。
大人 | $1600.00 - $2700.00 |
Special offers available in winter. Group charter rates for special occasions available on request (approx. $7,500 per night for up to 12 guests). Fiordland Cruises reserves the right to amend timetables cancel departures, substitute plant or equipment and alter ticket prices at any time. Due to variability of weather and other conditions beyond our control Fiordland Cruises cannot guarantee certain activities/subjects will be available. The actual route activities and anchorages may vary. Fiord
24 hours notice cancellation policy. Please enquire for further details. Charter Cancellation requires a minimum of 7 days notice.
伴着夜色,遁入新西兰最纯净原始的野境王国,享受非同寻常的船上体验。乘坐“南方之谜”号,仰望从神奇峡湾幽深的水域中拔地而起的巍峨山崖;观赏这里多姿多彩的迷人风光、野生动物与高耸瀑布。如果天气条件允许,我们还可为你安排钓鱼、皮划艇。费用包含午餐、晚餐和早餐,从蒂阿瑙或玛纳普利乘车出发、玛纳普利湖观光巡游。可提供从皇后镇的接送服务。船上设有五间私人客舱,仅可容纳最多 12 名宾客,每间都有独立卫生间和浴室。提供双人床或双床选择。
77 Manapouri-Te Anau Highway, 蒂阿瑙, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人“南方之谜”号神奇峡湾过夜巡游之旅 Southern Secret Doubtful Sound Overnight Cruises with Fiordland Cruises
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