大人 | $8275.00 - $20000.00 |
大人 | $8275.00 - $20000.00 |
Landing Fees of approximately $571
Cancellations received more than 180 days prior to the departure date, a full refund will be made less USD 750 per person admin fee. Cancellations received within 179 and 91 days of the embarkation date the full deposit will be forfeited. If cancellation occurs within 90 days prior to the departure date the total price is forfeited. If cancellation occurs within 90 days and full payment has not yet been received, the total price will still apply and any unpaid monies are due immediately.
登上“恩德比之魂(Spirit of Enderby)”号,沿着非同寻常的航线前往新西兰遥远偏僻、人迹罕至的“被遗忘的群岛”。从因沃卡格尔出发,按十二宫巡游斯奈尔斯群岛海岸线,沿途可看到斯奈尔斯凤冠企鹅、蕨莺和山雀——全部是当地群岛特有的野生动物。在奥克兰群岛,我们将登陆恩德比岛游玩一天,这里堪称是亚南极群岛中最令人惊叹的岛屿,吸蜜雀、铃鸟和鹦鹉等众多鸟群在其间争相鸣唱。在坎贝尔岛上,游客还能看到奇异壮观的巨型草本。漫步岛上,蜂蜜山(Mt. Honey)、莱尔山坳鞍脊(Col Lyall Saddle)、西北湾(North West Bay)和西南角(South West Cape)都是驻足留影的绝佳之选。
页面内容创建人新西兰亚南极群岛——奥克兰群岛和坎贝尔群岛(Campbell Islands)野生动物观光巡游New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands - Wildlife Cruise to Auckland and Campbell Islands
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