大人 | $120.00 - $230.00 |
大人 | $120.00 - $230.00 |
Infants aged 0-4 are free Children aged 5 - 9 are $10.00 Youths aged 10-14 are $37.50
Refunds will be paid at 100% if a cancellation is made up to two hours prior to the scheduled departure time. Refund will be paid at 50% if a cancellation is made within two hours of the scheduled departure time. All refunds of cancelled tickets must be claimed within one month of the date of the tour.
参观《指环王》三部曲及《霍比特人》系列电影拍摄地,感受真实的中土世界。跟着导游,首先驱车穿过面积达 1250 英亩、风景如画的牧羊场,沿途欣赏一直延伸到卡迈山脉的雄伟景象,感叹大自然的壮观神奇。参观袋底洞,这里正是弗罗多和比尔博冒险开始的地方。霍比特人小屋、绿巨龙客栈、磨坊和宴会树定会让你应接不暇。聆听有关霍比特人来历的传奇故事。每日发团,从玛塔玛塔巴克兰路 501 号的 Shire's Rest 咖啡馆以及玛塔玛塔的罗托鲁瓦 i-SITE 出发。如果你想稍作停留,我们可以为你在玛塔玛塔安排舒适的农场寄宿。
501 Buckland Road, 玛塔玛塔, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人霍比屯电影外景地游览 Hobbiton Movie Set Tours
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