旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Oct - Apr) | (May - Sep) | |
大人 | $349.00 | $299.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$229.00 | $205.00 |
旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Oct - Apr) | (May - Sep) | |
大人 | $349.00 | $299.00 |
儿童 (15 年以及以下) |
$229.00 | $205.00 |
Cancellations by the Operator – The Operator reserves the absolute right to cancel or vary any service for any reason including as a result of weather conditions, insufficient reservations or any unforeseen event or circumstance. Bookings are non-refundable (other than at the absolute discretion of the Operator) except that up until 24 hours prior you may change or cancel your booking at no charge subject to availability. Within 24 hours any change may incur a fee up to 100% of the price paid.
达特河喷射快艇将美不胜收的世界遗产风景区与刺激惊险的河流喷射快艇、毛利遗产以及激动人心的探险活动合而为一,带你真正探索新西兰成为一流旅游胜地的魅力之源。作为达特河上唯一的经营商,我们提供多样化的探险活动,带你深入原始的达特河谷和壮观的阿斯帕林山国家公园(Mount Aspiring National Park)。在这里,你将游览无法通过其它交通工具抵达的神秘地区,在独一无二的壮美环境中欣赏丰富的自然和文化遗产,聆听传奇故事。如果你想在皇后镇体验“新西兰”风情的真正精髓,达特河喷射快艇之旅绝对是你的不二之选。
45 Mull Street, 格林诺奇, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人达特河喷射快艇野趣之旅 Dart River Jet WILDERNESS
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