大人 | $990.00 - $1940.00 |
Berth 4, Taupo Boat Harbour, 65 Redoubt Street/Ferry Road, 陶波, 新西兰.
让向导带你在陶波湖区飞钓褐鳟和虹鳟。克里斯乔户外运动(Chris Jolly Outdoors)的专业飞钓向导对本地了如指掌,保证让钓鱼新手和老经验获得一生难忘的体验。
让向导带你在陶波湖区飞钓褐鳟和虹鳟。克里斯乔户外运动(Chris Jolly Outdoors)的专业飞钓向导对本地了如指掌,保证让钓鱼新手和老经验获得一生难忘的体验。
大人 | $990.00 - $1940.00 |
Fishing licences are compulsory and can be purchased from your guide on the day
1. Bookings cancelled less than 30 days out will result in a cancellation fee of 10% of booking. Cancellations of 48 hours or less will result in 100% cancellation fee of the entire booking. 2. HALF DAY is 4 hours & FULL DAY is 8 hours. 3. Chris Jolly Outdoors and/or their employees are not liable for any property loss or damage, personal injury or suffering while participating in an activity. 4. Helicopter transfers are P.O.A For full terms & conditions, speak to our office.
我们为 1-2 名游客专配 1 名导游。可应要求接待大型团体预订。含本地住处的往返接送。须办理垂钓许可证,可当天从导游处购买。
Berth 4, Taupo Boat Harbour, 65 Redoubt Street/Ferry Road, 陶波, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人克里斯乔飞钓 Chris Jolly Outdoors Fly Fishing
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