
大人 $30.00 - $360.00
条款与条件 angle-down

认证级潜水之旅:120 新元,含全套装备。PADI 水肺潜水发现之旅 —— 试潜体验:195 新元,无需经验,含游艇旅行。PADI 开放水域课程:549 新元,含理论学习、装备、证书费以及潜水旅行。PADI 数字化教学:449 新元,含装备、证书费,潜水前通过在线方式完成理论学习。浮潜:85 新元,含全套装备与旅行。浮潜装备租赁:每天 20 新元,步行至教堂湾。浮潜衣:每天 15 新元。浮潜救生衣:8 新元。其他的 PADI 课程请咨询报价。

取消政策 angle-down

Cathedral Cove Dive reserves the right to cancel any scheduled trip to ensure the safety of clients, staff and equipment. All client cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to meet time of trip otherwise the full trip price may be charged. Please contact us the day before the trip, to check on conditions.

TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据71条点评得出


哈黑位于教堂湾底部,距离热水海滩(Hot Water Beach)仅 5 分钟,是尝试 PADI 潜水探索的完美场所。大胆下水,展开你的水下初体验!包含训练课和出海潜水,请预留至少 3 小时时间!
在科罗曼德半岛美不胜收的海洋保护区学习 PADI 的潜水课程。接受我们 PADI 潜水中心的全面培训。PADI 提供电子课程
乘船 5-10 分钟便到海洋保护区,持证潜水员可预订我们的专业潜水船,每天出海两趟,上午 9:30 出发中午返回,亦可下午 1:30 出发。
亦欢迎浮潜爱好者加入出海潜水之旅,或到我们的哈黑店选取浮潜用具,再往教堂湾方向步行五分钟,到宝石湾(Gemstone Bay)尽情玩耍。可灌氧气,提供氧气瓶


10 月 1 日至 5 月 30 日:上午8:00 至下午 5:00 6 月 1 日至 9 月 30 日:可电话预订
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


48 Hahei Beach Road, 哈黑, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
There is a small airport at Whitianga. We will pick you up from Ferry Landing
bus 离长途汽车站距离:
There is a regular bus service into Hahei, throughout the summer, which has a drop off at our doorstep. It is only a short walk from the Whitianga i-site, to catch the ferry to Ferry Landing. We offer a ferry pickup from Ferry Landing, for those coming ov
decisions 离市中心距离:
Cathedral Cove Dive is on the main road, Hahei Beach, just before you drive up the hill to Cathedral Cove. We are beside the petrol pumps and are very visible


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TripAdvisor rating 根据71条点评得出



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