旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Oct - Dec) | (Apr - Oct) | |
每晚 | $1950.00 - $2950.00 | $1600.00 - $2200.00 |
布兰凯特湾精品度假屋设施完善、环境奢华,在新西兰无出其右,周边湖景相伴,距离皇后镇仅 40 分钟路程。
布兰凯特湾精品度假屋设施完善、环境奢华,在新西兰无出其右,周边湖景相伴,距离皇后镇仅 40 分钟路程。
旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Oct - Dec) | (Apr - Oct) | |
每晚 | $1950.00 - $2950.00 | $1600.00 - $2200.00 |
Blanket Bay is a small exclusive resort and cancellations affect us greatly. A current credit card number with expiry date is required to confirm a reservation. If the reservation is cancelled fewer than thirty days before your arrival date a charge of one night's tariff will be made. Due to our remote location a last minute cancellation gives us little chance of filling the space. Should we receive less than seven days notice of a cancellation we will charge for every room night booked. A sixty day cancellation policy applies over Christmas and New Year. We strongly advise guests to take out travel insurance to protect themselves against unexpected changes to their travel plans.
1999 年 12 月布兰凯特湾精品度假屋正式对公众开放,这标志着新西兰的豪华住宿行业翻开了新的一页。度假屋坐落于瓦卡提普湖北岸,风格大气、装修精致,是高山度假屋中的典型。其中有四套近湖客房和三套豪华度假套房;还有两处瑞士风格木屋,内设四套豪华套房和特等房间。度假屋可提供多种用餐选择,并以地道的太平洋沿岸阳光风味为特色。独特的位置、美妙的环境,让你在祥和、奢华的气氛中享受饕餮大餐和无数趣味活动。这就是布兰凯特湾精品度假屋,湖边的天堂。
Glenorchy Road, 格林诺奇, 新西兰.
发表 | 口语 | |
德语 | 否 | 是 |
法语 | 否 | 是 |
葡萄牙语 | 否 | 是 |
西班牙语 | 是 | 是 |
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