每晚 | $425.00 - $3300.00 |
Black Barn Vineyards, Rush Cottage, Black Barn Retreat, Gowers Market, Amphitheatre, Cellar Door, Kitchen and Bistro
34 Black Barn Road, 北哈维诺, 新西兰.
16 座豪华别墅都位于景色壮观的霍克斯湾。别墅有双人间至六人间等不同大小,全部经过豪华装修,并有各种设施。
16 座豪华别墅都位于景色壮观的霍克斯湾。别墅有双人间至六人间等不同大小,全部经过豪华装修,并有各种设施。
Black Barn Vineyards, Rush Cottage, Black Barn Retreat, Gowers Market, Amphitheatre, Cellar Door, Kitchen and Bistro
每晚 | $425.00 - $3300.00 |
Bookings cancelled prior to 90 days from arrival the $250 booking fee is refunded in full. Bookings cancelled between 90 and 30 days of arrival the 40% deposit is refunded less the $250 booking fee. Bookings cancelled within 30 days of arrival 100% of total is charged. Read our full terms and conditions.
34 Black Barn Road, 北哈维诺, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人黑谷仓豪华别墅 Black Barn Luxury Retreats
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