大人 | $1890.00 - $3290.00 |
大人 | $1890.00 - $3290.00 |
Cost of helicopter or glacier plane access not included
Group discounts available for group bookings of 3 or more
Cancellation and Refund Policy Taking out insurance for trip cancellation is highly recommended. This can cover you for loss of deposits should you be unable to participate in the trip due to personal reasons. Cancellations received more than 50 days before departure: full refund less the non-refundable deposit. Cancellations received within 31 to 50 days of departure: 50% refund of the total trip price. Cancellations received within 30 days of departure: no refund.
高山休闲俱乐部(Alpine Recreation)提供绝佳的野外滑雪游。随新西兰最有经验的高山及滑雪导游在库克山和西部地区国家公园进行高山和特里马(Telemark)滑雪游。从位于塔斯曼冰川(Tasman)、弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川(Franz Josef)或福克斯冰川(Fox Glaciers)顶部的小屋出发,在附近山峰的环绕下,沿着广阔的雪原上下翻腾,一路驰骋。对于滑雪新手,我们还可带游客从蒂卡普湖上方的舒适小屋出发,前往边远地区进行越野滑雪观光。在这里,你还可以参加一日游,穿越双拇指山(Two Thumb Range)连绵起伏的盆地,纵览麦肯奇盆地(Mackenzie Basin)到南阿尔卑斯山的美丽全景。这里的地形是你进行游逛和赏景的绝佳选择。
8 Erebus Place, 蒂卡普湖, 新西兰.
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页面内容创建人高山滑雪观光 – 冰川 Alpine Ski Touring - Glaciers
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