大人 | $130.00 |
导游陪同皮划艇探索之旅是一个 3 小时的全程陪同游览项目。在探索海洋保护区的生态体验中,感受大自然的静谧与安宁。泛舟游览死火山!你可以选择早上 7:30 出发的野生动物园日出之旅,或者上午 11:30 出发的火山口游艇探索之旅。经验丰富的导游全程陪同,费用含船上的小吃。
导游陪同皮划艇探索之旅是一个 3 小时的全程陪同游览项目。在探索海洋保护区的生态体验中,感受大自然的静谧与安宁。泛舟游览死火山!你可以选择早上 7:30 出发的野生动物园日出之旅,或者上午 11:30 出发的火山口游艇探索之旅。经验丰富的导游全程陪同,费用含船上的小吃。
大人 | $130.00 |
Travel Insurance: We advise all guests to consider arranging appropriate travel insurance that covers Adventure Tourism. On guided Safaris, Akaroa Guided Sea Kayak Safari is responsible for all company equipment on that Safari (e.g. kayaks, paddles etc). Under all circumstances, the guest is solely responsible for their personal equipment & possessions. Akaroa Guided Sea Kayak Safari accepts no liability for personal possessions or guest equipment under any circumstances. Please note that the tr
Akaroa Guided Sea Kayak Safari understands that travel plans vary due to illness, accident and people simply changing their minds. In turn, we ask our guests to understand that we may have turned away a number of keen people for those reserved places. We may also have committed expenses for food, staff, transport or accommodation. We will have incurred expense in processing the enquiry and bookings. The trip cannot be cancelled through the website. You may however contact us at: email: akaroakay
Rue Lauvaud, 阿卡罗瓦, 新西兰.
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页面内容创建人阿卡罗瓦导游陪同皮划艇探险之旅 Akaroa Guided Kayak Safari
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