Pricing and Conditions

Per night $300.00
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Te Whenua Hideaway is located in Gibbston Valley in Otago - just 30 minutes from Queenstown, 1 hour from Wānaka and 3.5 hours from Dunedin. The hut's small yet perfect design utilises Southland beech native timber. The interior features a mezzanine sleeping platform beneath a pitched roof with dormer windows. The lower level includes a leather sofa, a galley kitchen and a bathroom. A woodburner keeps you cosy and snug. Step onto the expansive north-facing deck to unwind in the lounge chairs with a drink of your choice in hand. Stone steps guide you from the Hideaway to a small pond, waterfall and garden - perfect for connecting with nature.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


2277 Gibbston Highway, Gibbston, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
Te Whenua Hideaway is located in Gibbston Valley in Otago - just 30 minutes from Queenstown, 1 hour from Wānaka and 3.5 hours from Dunedin.

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The content on this page was created by Te Whenua Hideaway | Canopy Camping Escapes

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