Pricing and Conditions

Adult $55.00
(15 year(s) and under)
Terms and conditions angle-down

We must receive payment within 24 hours of booking.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

No refunds.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 130 reviews


Established 1999, Hair Raiser Tours is New Zealand's original, authentic ghost tour company. Hair Raiser Tours provides a collection of historical, entertainment walking tours designed to provide you with an insight into the darker corners of haunted Dunedin. This is a great way to discover Dunedin and explore areas that you wouldn't otherwise go, especially after dark. You will require bravery, courage and skill to make it to the other side. Hair Raiser Tours also provides originally scripted murder mystery parties that have proven popular with corporate groups and private parties. Ghost Gallery is now open to view our collection of curiosities, gifts and keepsakes.

Opening times

Business hours:
Months of operation:
All months of the year


110 Moray Place, Dunedin Central, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
30 min to Dunedin Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
10 minute drive.
decisions Proximity to town:
Dunedin city centre.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 130 reviews

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