Pricing and Conditions

Per night $130.00 - $150.00
Cancellation Policy angle-down

Free cancellation up to seven days before date of arrival. Full price thereafter.


Our home is private and set in native bush which attracts many tuis, wood pigeons, fantails and bellbirds.

We provide hosted accommodation with guests having a private ensuite and separate entrance. Janice provides a continental breakfast which includes home made bread, jams and preserved fruit sourced from Central Otago. Secure off street parking is available. The Kaka Point beach and restaurant are two minutes walk away. This is a good place to stay and explore more of the Catlins including the sunrise and sunset at Nugget Point.

Janice and Brian have lived in the area for many years and are interested in conservation and are personally involved with the Nugget Point Reserve.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


32 Rata Street, RD 1, Kaka Point, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
1 hour
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
23 km
decisions Proximity to town:
Balclutha 23 km Owaka 20 km

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