Katherine Mansfield, a modernist short fiction writer of the late 19th and early 20th century, is New Zealand’s most famous historical literary figure.

Though Mansfield ended her relatively short adult life in Europe, she was born and grew up in Wellington - New Zealand’s capital city - where her inner city childhood home is open to the public.

Thorndon, the oldest suburb of Wellington city, is an area still closely associated with Mansfield, and the house at 25 Tinakori Road provides a background for the enjoyment and understanding of much of Mansfield's writing. Her memories and experiences here were recreated in her most famous short stories including The Aloe, Prelude and A Birthday.

The Katherine Mansfield birthplace house has been restored and filled with furniture and furnishings of the era, creating an authentic atmosphere. Exhibitions are a feature of the birthplace and include a collection of period photographs with excerpts of Mansfield's writings.

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