3 Hrs 11.7 km


  • Meandering and pleasant
  • Ocean views
  • Seal sightings



Keep children with you at all times.

There are a number of different segments in this walkway. Cross the peninsula's cliff top and soak up the ocean views.

Keep an eye out for yawning seals along the Kaikoura Peninsula Walk.
Christchurch - Canterbury
Yawning seals, Christchurch - Canterbury

The Kaikōura Peninsula Walkway is known for its ocean views, marine wildlife, and easy access from the Kaikōura town centre.

Observe seals and seabirds, explore historic sites and enjoy clifftop views while walking part of the track or, if you're feeling energetic, the full length. To fully explore and enjoy the features of the walk start at Kaikōura town centre and continue to Point Kean car park.

This stunning walk can be done at any time of year, but it is particularly stunning in winter with the snow-capped mountains in the background.


100% Pure NZ

Department of Conservation

Track conditions often change. Be prepared by checking with the Department of Conservation before you go.

Kaikōura Peninsula Walkway(opens in new window)

More information


  • Kaikōura town centre to Point Kean car park (50 mins, 4.4km)
  • Point Kean car park to Point Kean viewpoint (5 mins, 200m)
  • Point Kean viewpoint to Whalers Bay viewpoint (25 mins, 1.5km) Whalers Bay side-trip is optional.
  • Whalers Bay viewpoint to South Bay viewpoint (20 mins, 1.1km)
  • South Bay viewpoint to South Bay car park (15mins, 600m)
  • South Bay to Kaikōura town centre via Scarborough Street (1 hour, 5 mins, 3.9km)

Getting there

The track starts in town, which is midway between Picton (154 km) and Christchurch (183 km) off SH1.

Need to know

  • Keep children with you at all times, especially along the clifftop and at the water’s edge.
  •  The peninsula is very exposed to coastal winds. 
  • Observe wildlife from a distance.


The peninsula is very exposed to coastal winds. Weather conditions can change quickly, so be prepared with warm and windproof clothing.

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