Pricing and Conditions

Adult $375.00 - $645.00


The Matahuru Valley Walk is special. We offer two packages - Either 1 or 2 night retreat. Tui Ridge is a comfortable secluded farmhouse with your walks either leaving straight from there or a short 5 minute drive down the valley. No packing your bags up to go to the next bunk house here! You can relax and follow your own timetable; have a leisurely breakfast and a relaxing read of your magazine before starting your walk at 10 - no problem. We cater for a range of abilities and fitness levels. We can also offer several options for walkers - including a few shorter walks. We have an abundance of beautiful farmland, stunning views, several stands of native bush and the Matahuru Stream.

Opening times

Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec


160 Matahuru Road, Te Kauwhata, New Zealand.

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