Pricing and Conditions

Terms and conditions angle-down

Free Entry. No charge for party room bookings (subject to availability). Pay per play. The more you spend the more you save with our discount deals! Load $20 get $21. Load $30 get $33. Load $40 get $46 + Free Feature Game. Load $60 get $75 + Free Feature Game. Load $100 get $135 + Free Feature Game + VIP Status.

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TripAdvisor rating Based on 20 reviews


GameOn offers the perfect central arcade game venue. We offer discounted deals for everyone and party packages for groups of 6 or more. Tonnes of simulator and prize arcade games, VR attractions and the first arcade in New Zealand with a redemption shop – where you can shop for your prize.

Opening times

Business hours:
Sunday & Monday 10am - 10pm, Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 11pm, Friday & Saturday 10am - Midnight
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Upper Basement, SkyWorld Building, 291-297 Queen Street, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

bus Proximity to coach terminal:
Central, North, Outer Link and City Link buses stop right by our doors.
decisions Proximity to town:
Located in the heart of CBD Auckland - right next to Civic Square.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 20 reviews

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