Pricing and Conditions

Adult $65.00 - $399.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

We have individual ride options and package options available.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Minimum age and height requirements applicable for some activities please refer to for full conditions.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

May to apply to group bookings only. Please contact us directly.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 1015 reviews


Velocity Valley is home to the world’s only Shweeb Racer – a human-powered monorail racetrack, Agrojet - the fastest jet sprint in New Zealand. Swing from 40m towards the earth at 130kph on New Zealand’s only Swoop and fly in the Southern Hemispheres’ only wind tunnel at Freefall Xtreme and our newest ride VERTIGO, 43m Freefall. Spend an hour or the entire day – we will give you an unforgettable experience and a sense of accomplishment that will remain long after you have waved us farewell. Located just 10 minutes north of Rotorua, We make fast fun for everyone of all ages.

Opening times

Business hours:
9am - 5pm Monday to Sunday
Months of operation:
All months of the year


1335 Paradise Valley Road, Rotorua Central, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
25km to the Rotorua Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
8km to the coach terminal.
decisions Proximity to town:
8km to Rotorua city centre.

Looking for deals

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 1015 reviews

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This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: terms of use(opens in new window).
